Uusyrityskeskus Neuvoa-antava - Finnish Enterprice Agency

We are New Enterprise Agency of South Ostrobothnia located in Seinäjoki. We offer couseling and assistance for aspiring entrepreneurs in every practical matter what comes to starting a business here in Finland. Feel free to contact us, our help is always confidential and free of charge.

nainen istuu


nainen istuu

Business plan tool, LISSU

You can use Neuvoa-antava's own Business plan tool LISSU, which can be found here. The tool is free to use and we can also check, direct, and comment on the completion of your plan without having to book an appointment. Make login details to yourself by "create account".

Nimetön malli (6)


Appointments can be made on an appointment calendar online, a link to a calendar from here. If you can not find suitable times, you can also book an appointment by phone or email.

how to become an entrepreuner

To become an entrepreuneur in Finland

There is extensive information for immigrants, including about starting a business, in several different languages: English, Swedish, Russian, Estonian, French, Arabic, Somali, Turkish, Spanish, Chinese…


Finnish Enterprice Agencies

Our purpose is to promote entrepreneurial growth in Finland by providing professional assistance for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs – completely free of charge.


Here are the most important financial calculations for a starting entrepreneur to help with business planning:  
investment and financing calculation / 
profitability calculation.


How to register a company

How to register a company, see instructions here.


The start-up grant

Support for a new entrepreneur – read more here.


Entrepreneurs pension insurance (YEL)

Entrepreneurs pension insurance (YEL),
look more here.

Entrepreuneurs guides in different languages

hguide becoming an entrepreuner in Finland

Entrepreuners guide
in English

Free Entrepreneur guide for download in English language.

yrittäjän opas, ruotsinkieli

På svenska / Ruotsinkielinen

Free Entrepreneur guide for download in Swedish language.

yrittäjän opas, venäjänkieli

По-русски / Venäjänkielinen

Free Entrepreneur guide for download Russian language.

yrittäjän opas,ukrainankieli

Посібник із відкриття бізнесу дляукраїнців

Free Entrepreneur guide for download Ukrainian/Finnish language.

yrittäjän opas, kiinankieli

中文版 / Kiinankielinen

Free Entrepreneur guide for download in Chinese language.

yrittäjän opas, arabia

اللغةا لعربي / Arabiankielinen

Free Entrepreneur guide for download in Arabic language.

yrittäjän opas, ranskankielinen

Français / Ranskankielinen

Free Entrepreneur guide for download in French language.


Finnish /

Free Entrepreneur guide for download in Finnish launguage

Contact information

Uusyrityskeskus Neuvoa-antava, Kauppatori 1-3 G, Torikeskus, 60100 Seinäjoki

Business advisor Ari Loukasmäki tel. 044 2618064, ari.loukasmaki(at)uusyrityskeskus.fi 
or business advisor Emma Varis tel. 040 1245594, emma.varis(at)uusyrityskeskus.fi